Despite how dedicated we are to diet and exercise, there always seems to be a frustrating area on our bodies that doesn’t want to cooperate. Fortunately, Ultrasound Body Contouring is a body sculpting solution with no need for surgery or downtime. 

Ideal for treating difficult-to-shift areas like the abdomen, bra line, thighs,

‘love handles’, arms, and buttocks, this treatment applies ultrasound waves to the area of concern, shattering fat cells and converting them into liquid. Pairing the treatment with hydration and exercise, this liquid is dispersed through the body’s natural filtration system.

Stomach 30 mins · $100
Inner Thighs 45 mins · $150
Outer Thighs 45 mins · $149
Love handles 45 mins · $149
Upper arms 45 mins · $149
Bra Overhang 1 hour · $149
Back of thighs 45 mins · $149
Buttocks 1 hour · $149

For an appointment Book Online
Please see more information on pre & post-treatment care instructions.
If in doubt, feel free to call us and we can chat about the treatment 0413 164 942


This treatment uses radio frequency and ultrasound cavitation to lift and shape the buttocks area.

1 hour, 10 mins · $149

For an appointment Book Online
Please see more information on pre & post-treatment care instructions.
If in doubt, feel free to call us and we can chat about the treatment 0413 164 942


Am I a suitable candidate for treatment?
Some medical conditions may prevent you from being suitable for this treatment.
By booking a Consultation your therapist will help determine your treatment suitability.
Packages can also be discussed and arranged during the consultation.

How does Ultrasound Body Contouring work?
Ultrasound Body Contouring works by applying ultrasound energy to the targeted area of fat cells, converting the fat to a liquid state. The fatty acids are then dispersed and processed through the lymphatic system - your body’s natural filtration system. Ultrasound Body Contouring is specially designed to treat only the targeted fatty areas and not affect the surrounding tissue.

Which areas of the body can Ultrasound Body Contouring treat?
Ultrasound Body Contouring is great for treating all the most common areas of stubborn fat such as the abdomen, bra line, buttocks, thighs, “love handles” and upper arms. It's also highly effective in reducing cellulite and smoothing out problem areas such as the buttocks and thighs.

What does the treatment feel like?
Ultrasound Body Contouring treatment is completely non-surgical, non-invasive and doesn’t require anaesthesia. Most clients describe the treatment as painless and comfortable. Some clients even find the warm sensation in the targeted area during treatment quite relaxing.

Can I get on with my day after treatment?
Yes! Ultrasound Body Contouring treatments require absolutely no downtime, so you can go about your usual daily activities following your sessions.

How many treatments will I need?
Depending on your individual situation (which we will assess during your consultation), you may need anywhere between 6 and 12 treatments for optimum results. You’ll start to feel the effects after the very first treatment and by the third treatment you should begin to see real improvements take place. Treatments are spaced at one-week intervals to allow your body to flush out the fat released during the process of Ultrasound Body Contouring.

What are the contraindications with ultrasonic cavitation?
Individuals with an acute or contagious disease, HIV, a history of Cancer, Kidney failure, Liver failure, fatty Liver, Implant devices such as Pacemakers or Electrical Prosthesis, Epilepsy or MS should not undergo ultrasound cavitation non-surgical “Liposuction”. Pregnancy and Breastfeeding are also contraindications for this procedure. Active contagious skin conditions will not be allowed to undergo treatments. It is also best to wait three to six months after a surgical procedure in the target area.

For an appointment Book Online
Please see more information on pre & post-treatment care instructions.
If in doubt, feel free to call us and we can chat about the treatment 0413 164 942